Our Children

rebecca naliaka

Rebecca Naliaka


Rebecca is currently 15, and in grade 5 at Cana Kings School. Rebecca was from Nakuru, her life took a distressing turn when she was rescued by the Children’s Department in Nakuru and placed at The Cana Rescue Centre. For security reasons, as this is a  deeply troubling case involving sexual abuse allegedly by a close family member, and since the case was sensitive, they couldn’t place her in any children’s home around. The weight of the situation is now being carried in Court as the accused was arrested and the case is ongoing. Rebecca’s full custody will not be granted to Cana Rescue Centre until the case is over.  Although the case is yet settled, and Rebecca’s permanent placement incomplete, Compassion for Africa began sponsoring her with education and supporting her in this loving home.

Rebecca loves drawing, and singing, and dreams of becoming a pilot .