Education and training are a very important part of what CFA supports to help raise fervent Christ followers with the talent and ability to help themselves and others.
Primary School
In Cana (Kenya) the girls attend primary school near the group home that is run by Cana Ministries. Mary Mambo is the pastor that oversees the school and the group home. CFA helps with the cost of books and other supplies as needed as well as field trip opportunities. During the Covid pandemic, while there was no school in session, CFA helped support the teachers with their basic salary, along with providing tutoring for the Cana students.
In KINS (Uganda) the boys and girls go to a local primary school where CFA pays the tuition, stationary, books, uniforms, shoes, and lunch. During Covid, special supplies were needed for virus protection.
Secondary School
For both Cana and KINS, secondary school (high school) is done by the student going to boarding school. Based on the year-end exams in primary school, this determine what boarding school the students qualify for. The cost of supporting a secondary student in boarding school is 2 to 3 times more expensive for a year than the costs for a student going to primary school and living in a group home. For the children CFA supports living in the slums or poverty-stricken areas in Kenya or Uganda, this is a significant advantage compared to others who may never get to go to secondary school.
Post-Secondary School
In Cana CFA offers a program called The Way Forward. The young ladies who graduate from high school are offered the opportunity to pursue college or training so the student can obtain a job. CFA will pay a set amount over 2 years for the student’s tuition, books, supplies and exam fees at a college, university, or training center. A monthly stipend is also given to the student for living expenses. A minimum grade level of a C- is required for the student to receive funds from CFA. The expectation is for the students to work diligently toward her goals and learn to discipline themselves in spiritual growth, financial obligations, educational demand, Biblical morals, and healthy friendships amongst other requirements that they are required to sign off on a 1-page agreement form. Pastor Mary and the Cana Director oversee the program.
In KINS post-secondary help is available but there is no Way Forward program available. Secondary education in Uganda costs more and requires an additional year to meet full completion of secondary school compared to Kenya. Students who work hard are able to receive further assistance from CFA for training, college or even university on an individual basis. Pastor Mulungi is able to provide direction for these individuals.